Gimnazjum nr 2 im Stanisława Szymańskiego w Zawierciu

czwartek, 2 maja 2024 r.
Imieniny: Anatola, Zygmunta
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Summer Geo - Cinema 2016

Strona główna » Aktualności » Summer Geo - Cinema 2016

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On Thursday, 9th June, 2016 there was another screening with GEOGRAPHICAL CINEMA.  21 students from our school took part in it . The students saw  the comedy "Under the Tuscan Sun."
In "Under the Tuscan Sun,"  the main character, Frances Mayes, a 40-year-old   divorced writer, decides to leave a noisy American city to  start a new life  on the sunny Italian province..
In Tuscany everything is filled with joy, so the heroine becomes cheerful and happy and she quickly learns how to  enjoy  simple and banal things.
Most of the time she spends with some builders from Poland who redecorate her house. Friendship with workers goes back so far that she decides  to make one of them even the  member of her family. Longing for warm and love she spreads around the atmosphere of love that affects her friends. The dose of optimism and human kindness accumulated in "Under the Tuscan Sun" is really huge, and the main character in the romantic Italy falls in love ...
Apart from the hilarious story full of comic situations  our students had the opportunity to see the beauty of Italy, a lot of Italian attractions, beautiful landscapes, interesting people and delicious cuisine ...
Now the students are not strangers to Italian culture, customs and specific Italian customs  anymore...
The geographical Cinema, as always, attracts students who are curious about the world and they can spent unforgettable moments in our school.
Tłum.: mgr Anna Kołat

czytano: 657 razy

źródło: Gimnazjum nr 2 w Zawierciu

Strona główna

GIMNAZJUM NR 2 im. Stanisława Szymańskiego
42-400 Zawiercie ul. Niedziałkowskiego 21
tel/fax (32) 67 223 75, e-mail:

osób online: 3 ALPANET - Polskie Systemy Internetowe